Songwen Sun-von Berg – mind open

Songwen Sun-von Berg

mind open

Exhibition duration: May 24 – June 15, 2024

Opening: Thursday, May 23, 6 – 9 p.m

Finissage: Saturday, June 15, 4 – 7 p.m


Opening hours:
Thursday, Friday, Saturday 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.

In my ink drawings from the work group "mind open" I explore the exciting interaction of contrast and movement on Chinese paper. A visual dynamic unfolds with light and dark circles. This dynamic is reinforced by the transparency and lightness of the paper, blurring the boundaries between the images and their surroundings, and viewers are invited to delve deeper into the variety of formations and their meanings.


The circles represent more than just individual elements; they form a central field of tension between the individual and the collective, and reflect the human experience of closeness and distance. By alternating the application of light and dark ink, the soft Chinese paper gains a three-dimensional quality.


For me, each sheet is a unique interplay of ordered and random patterns that incorporate the space. The circles represent thoughts and ideas of particular individuals that unfold freely and limitlessly from the mind. The variation in the intensity of the ink, from almost invisible lines to deep black filled shapes, creates a depth and complexity that challenges both perception and imagination.


With "mind open" I would like to address the search for balance and movement - movement that pauses in moments of stillness and order that comes with change. It is an invitation to see with an open mind that every end contains a new beginning and in every order a new development is possible.


The world comes into being and develops through the encounter and movement of the smallest.

Work list Songwen Sun-von Berg.pdf
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Songwen Sun-von Berg (born in Shanghai) has lived in Berlin since 1991. She studied at Shanghai Jiaotong University, the Free University of Berlin and the Berlin University of the Arts. Since 2008, regular exhibitions and publications in Europe, China and the USA. In 2018 her work was nominated for the Losito Art Prize. It is represented in important collections: including the Museum for Asian Art of the State Museums in Berlin, the German Foreign Office, the Hurun Art Foundation China, the Wemhöner Collection and in numerous private collections worldwide.  instagram @songwen.sunvonberg